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What is engineering

What is engineering? If you live in a house, use electricity, telephone, fridge/freezer, have access to potable water, listen to cable duct music, visit hospitals, drive a car, use the road network and you are reading this paper, then you have sampled engineering. Engineering touches every aspect of our lives. But what is the relationship between engineering and national developmental agenda?

A brief comparative analysis cable trunking of the development plans of some economies will help us to establish the link between human capital building, national development, Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and effective application of Science, Engineering, and Technology (SET).

Malaysia’s development plans began in 1950 with publication of the Draft Development Plan for Malaya. Thereafter Malaysia has had about 23 Development Planning Documents to date, 11 of which are 5 Yearly Development Plans. Each development plan incorporates a population and housing census that provides census data on the level, availability and distribution of skilled labour for planning purposes. Malaysia placed high priority on education and skills training to develop a sufficient pool of educated, highly skilled and strongly motivated labour force.

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