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What the Cable News Ratings Indicate

The best I can do about making a bright side of this for Democrats in the 2010 elections is that if we were to regard all Fox viewers as Republican voters, and all MSNBC, CNN and HLN viewers as Democratic voters, than at this moment the Republicans have a 53%-47% lead over Democrats nationally. This 53%-47% edge could be easily overcome by Election Day, if the Obama administration can demonstrate cable duct  progress in Afghanistan, and deliver more jobs in the cable trunking United States.

The cable viewing numbers have, over the past six years proved at least as reliable as the pollsters. They were almost exactly right in the last Presidential election. So, I would suggest that Democrats get their house in order, provide jobs and rebuild US infrastructure, and retake Kandahar Province. If the Obama administration can accomplish all that, the Democrats might hold on to their majorities in the House and Senate, and give President Obama two more years to attend slotted wall to the business of the American people.