RCCN >> product >> Wire burning case turned over to APD

Wire burning case turned over to APD

ALBANY, GA (WALB) –  Albany Firefighters found wiring  copper wire burning behind a central Albany home, and they’re trying to figure out where it came from.

Someone driving  by saw smoke behind this home in the 100 block of North Canaletas Cleveland Street about 10:30.

Firefighters put out a fire in a barrel and saw that it Canaletas was copper wiring. They also found two other piles of burned wire and called Police to investigate. 

“Based upon that they were different size gauges of wiring, we decided we needed to notify the Albany Police Department, in case it cable Raceways was recovered property from a previous theft,” said Inv. Sam Harris of the Albany Fire Department.

Police did not make any arrests, but Code Enforcement cable Raceways cited Jamie Keith for having three junk vehicles in the yard.