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cable trays

Twinsburg, OH−When the Olivenhain Municipal Water District (OMWD; Encinitas, CA) recently mandated a rehabilitative painting of its massive 10 million gallon/300 foot diameter potable water tank (SAN-227-A Black Mountain Norte), it gave advance notice of ‘removal/reinstallation’ to the multitude of cell phone companies that used the tank as a telecommunications hub for their antennas and cable trays.

Since draining was required of the tank’s contents prior to epoxy coating and painting of its interior/exterior steel, the cable trays for the transmission lines had to be removed prior to the process. The request stated that this was required and essential in order cable trunking to not adversely affect the tank’s protective coatings and seals.

The OMWD, which covers 48 square miles of North San Diego County and serves a population of approximately 68,000 residents, received delayed response cable duct and coordination with the carriers to reinstall the equipment

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